Adventures of Superman: Superman in Exile (1953)
Season 2, Episode 7
Nuclear Hysteria
19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Superman traveling faster than light I can accept-as Dr A observed, Professor Einstein's theory is merely a theory, whereas Superman's speed is an obversation. Even accepting the nuclear hysteria and ignorance shown here ("full of gamma rays"), the story still fails on its own terms-Superman's contamination turns out to be easily solvable by an amateur (him, after reading a few thick old books) rather than actual hardworking scientists. (Who, by the way, are complete idiots about safety.) And pity the poor plants and housefly Superman uses to test himself, instead of a Geiger counter he could easily have asked to be airdropped along with his morning newspaper. I blame this episode for part of the antinuclear hysteria among nominal grownups nowadays, increasing global warming and leading to brownouts.
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