Hunters: The Mourner's Kaddish (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
You Hear The Ringing????
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alright so picking this up again a few weeks after watching the Pilot. The Pilot did not encourage me to binge watch this AT ALL, but we'll see what EP2 does for me....

We begin here to flashback on concentration camp life. They have a music group in the camp. Hahaha, they start playing some Hava Nagila, and the camp officer he doesn't like that one bit!!!! He starts shooting them in the head one by one as he orders them to STOP!! Well they don't listen and they all get shot.

+1 Star for the opening sequence, very attention getting.....

So then, the first meeting of the TEAM since adding JONAH to it in EP1.

Hahaha. Then we're back to seeing BIFF!!! IN A TV INTERVIEW!!! Priceless.

So Pacino gives the TEAM a briefing. At the end of this, he uses the term 'Come on Down', just like they use it on THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Okay, I like that, clever. Using a line from a show that started in 1972 for a show set in 1977!! Nice one.

+1 Star for a clever line. Little things impress me.

Haha. Lonny Flash is a funny character as well. And the 'JEWTASTIC' 'HUNTERS ' COMMERCIAL THAT JONAH sees in his head. Very funny.

+1 Star for Jonah's commercial in his head. The CODEBREAKER....haha

We also have Agent Morris continuing to follow leads on her CASE. Agent MORRIS of course uses the 'Can I use your bathroom??' line as a fake line to get some time to search your house. Hey Cops have been doing that for that long eh?? Haha

Then THE COLONEL she walks in and takes some pics of US SENATOR . Some compromising photographs indeed!!!

But then the TEAM, launches their plan to confront KARL HOLSTEDDER!! They catch the wealthy HOLSTEDDER all wealthy and alone playing PIANO in his mansion. They also find a BROADCASTING STATION in a secret room in HOLSTEDDER'S mansion. MEIER plays some LONG TALL SALLY for HOLSTEDDER!!!! And of course, Jonah almost blows the whole operation and gets himself killed at the same time. MEIER has to save JONAH'S BEHIND once again, and also EXPLAIN again to JONAH, the purpose of it all.

Oh and we find out MILLIE is also carrying on a gay relationship? Very odd for a black woman in the 70's and I see they had to make a point of making that statement here in this show. MILLIE'S girlfriend's name is MARIA! We almost get to see some HAWT girl on girl action!!! But nope, no dice on that one.

-1 Star for not showing the GIRL ON GIRL action!!!

So then we have TRAVIS, doing his handiwork with a black family. And why is Jonah hearing the same ringing in his ears that HOLSTEDDER CLAIMED to be hearing??? I was confused on that one...

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