Profiles in Courage: John Quincy Adams (1965)
Season 1, Episode 22
Landed on his feet
16 October 2020
In this episode of the Profiles In Courage series Senator John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, a Federalist is facing a difficult decision. In the first decade of the 19th century the British who were in a conflict with France under Napoleon Bonaparte and both the French and British raided American commerce at sea. But since we spoke a common language with the British they took American saillors off our ships and impressed them in the British navy.

You would have thought that this would be an outrage felt in New England most of all. But the attitude there for the most part was a few men lost is a small price for doing business.. Not Senator Adams. who had a national vision and lost his Senate seat by backing President Thomas Jefferson and the Embargo on trade with Great Britain and France.

Douglas Campbell played Adams and Alan Hewett was Jefferson. Some details here are wrong. But the idea was Adams showed some intestinal fortitude in going against the movers and shakers of his region in supporting the Embargo.

The Embargo was a disaster and Jefferson put an end to it before his term was up. But the Federalists lost all support south of the Potomac and gradually became a New England only party before they expired.

Adams landed on his feet so to speak. Adams got a Supreme Court appointment which he refused and then a series of diplomatic posts under Jefferson's successor James Madison. Minister to Russia, peace commissioner to end the War of 1812at Ghent and Minister to Great Britain. That led to being Secretary of State under Madison's successor James Monroe and then the White House

Still he took a chance in backing the Embargo. Lucky it worked out for him.
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