Riverdale: Chapter Three: Body Double (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
oh, the sacrilege
15 October 2020
Yeah, it's me, that guy who was an enemy of this show from the moment I first heard of it (elated) but found out re the casting choices (bummed beyond belief). I will repeat ad nauseum that CamIla Mendes cannot work as Veronica. This is further underlined in this episode by what in effect amounts to Lili Reinhart being a better Veronica (wig was just too much of only a bob). Yes, Veronica at the very least needs to be a fine-featured delicate girl... princess like in looks, a tigress underneath. Before you judge me for being a South African and saying very obvious things, I think Hermione (in the show) is absolutely great, she is cute and fine-featured in that needed-for-Veronica way. Mendes is good, she has a place in the show, just not as Veronica. Look, hate me, feel free, I'm telling it like it is. I was around back then, well, mid-Seventies. Betty and Veronica are goddesses to me. I am not taking this without arguing. I think the show takes terrible liberties with iconic figures.

But it is good. NO, IT IS MORE THAN GOOD. But it ploughs using other people's horses. And that bugs me.

I am a positive fan. I am also a negative fan. I'm an old has-been dude. Super uncool. Hate me all you like.

I've wanted a live-action ARCHIE for years and years. The casting of Betty and Veronica is crucial crucial crucial. Lili Reinhart, I approve. The ponytail is wrong, but the eyes, the face, the sweetness, I adore. Camila is wrong. Yeah, that's the sour note here, I know what everybody thinks of me.

Many of you readers are American and you don't know what's sliding past you. The Red White and Blue means NOTHING to you. That's the problem with new-days-equality casting. Throw out the good with the bad.
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