Tomorrow We Live (II) (1942)
Cruel but efficient resistance drama
14 October 2020
What is striking in this film is the grim realism which makes a very authentic impression. You might object against the outrageous cruelties, and there are no small number of casualties here, but rarher a majority of all the actors. Still there are some breaths of fresh air, some puffs of good humour, some moments of humanity, but we have to remember that 1943 was perhaps the grimmest of the war years, and we who live so long afterwards can have no idea of how it really was, except by films such as this, made in the middle of horrendous crisis; and another idea to cheer it up could be that the leading actor John Clements actually looks like James Stewart, and James Stewart would have been perfect in the role. He never made any French parts except one, which was a failure, but John Clements is perfect as a Frenchman and could be a good replacement for James Stewart.
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