The Fog (1980)
Moody and Creepy
14 October 2020
John Carpenter's follow up to Halloween couldn't be more different and it's all the better for it. Having proven himself as talented enough to kick off the slasher boom that would continue into the 80's, Carpenter and co-writer/producer, Debra Hill, decided to go for a slower, creepier, and moodier film for the their 2nd big horror collaboration together.

It's the 21st of April and the town of Antonio Bay has gone a little haywire. Cars honk, bottles rattle, chairs move by themselves, and a mysterious fog begins to creep in. It's the anniversary of the founding of the town, but many have forgotten that the town was founded by murderers and thieves and the people they stole from and killed to get their town are angry and hungry for revenge.

As the celebrations continue, strange figures come out from the fog itself and claim their victims.

If you're in the mood for more Michael Myers slashing, you'll be very upset with The Fog. It's all about mood, atmosphere, and conjuring up that ghost story vibe. The performances by the huge ensemble cast are all excellent and it's nice to see a middle aged Janet Leigh play such a fun character. It's more creepy than outright scary, so it's good to know that going in.
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