Anyone who has seen a diagram of that new 2019 virus . . .
14 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . will swear that it's the spitting image of "Liza," the evil villainous witch of LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE. Liza is so Satanic even her voice sounds Demonic. It's a wonder that she did not play Sissy's mom in the original CARRIE. This devious dame proves that being loved by a wicked wench like her is a Fate worse than Death. Trying to picture a romantic evening with such an insanely jealous and possessive bad penny inevitably evokes images of gory electric pencil sharpeners. Man-hating Liza is so misanthropic that she speeds to hurtle her car off a cliff just for the sake of slaying her little brother. Since nothing would be gained by pounding a stake into the meager chest of heartless harpy Liza, viewers will pray that the final rites carpenters hammer their pickets home elsewhere.
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