Review of The Vow

The Vow (2020–2022)
11 October 2020
An interesting watch and just like the Scientology Documentaries and other cult based ones it is great that they go into the details to show people the evil that happens behind the smile.

It is obvious that Cults prey on people that are vulnerable, gullible, maybe pure but also the ones that have personal issues, giving them the attention and validation they seek, false promises and grand plans.

It is also very obvious that this thing happens mainly in America, probably people are more gullible and the constitution allows for cult like organisation to do damage without any repercussions. As "Crack-a-doodles Reflect & Deflect - LouieInLove" said, the victims need to take some responsibility, you are not a child, makes you wonder how they even made it through life. However I am starting to see the appeal and maybe even question the series... because the message that they put forward was enlightenment, making yourself better etc which would appeal to many people. Most of them were involved for years by which time it was too late and they probably didn't wanted to throw it all away. The whole enlightenment only revolves around each individual member and didn't help anyone else.

Another scary thing is how women can be so bad with other women.

Anyhow, the documentary is worth a watch if you want to find out more about the cult, probably less so for rest of the world, some of us briefly heard about it. I for one only heard of it due to watching Smallville and the obvious Allison Mack link.

Somehow I got hooked in watching this and it is definitely very interesting. Keith is obviously a psycho genius. I imagine that it all started for the better of mankind and a lot of smart people wanted that and followed him. If the Dalai Lama associated with them it was serious. If the facts are correct ESP really did help people but as many good things, when it gets too big to fail it all goes stupid like DOS. Keith was very patient, cooked the whole sex slavery for 10 years, if it happened before it was low key. It really is unbelievable. I guess power went to his head or maybe he truly was an evil genius, who can tell, maybe he could have done great things. To go to the lengths he did just for some submissive action is nuts. If he wanted a Harem maybe he should have converted, much easier. The male members had no idea what was happening to their friends and family including their wives. I don't think many members believe the facts and still silently and vocally support NXIVM. The organisation is still active and may remain so regardless.

On a serious note, right now Scientology is doing the exact same thing minus the sex slavery... that we know of. Wonder how many more years they will go on doing what they do, after all NXIVM, actually Keith only went down because members went against it on record and managed to collect enough evidence, otherwise it would gone on and on and on. Just like Scientology, NXIVM did buried everything/everyone that stood against them under legal actions, libels, intimidation and possibly murder. The authorities don't care so it seem. We know that they favour CSI and CSI tolerated NXIVM because they went after Rick Ross. The two have very strong ties, from similar processes, believes to similar terms and language. It is extremely worrying that CSI is spreading now like wildfire.

Today's millennials and influentials would easily fall prey to any organisation such as this one, if many don't already. It would feed their ego and make them relevant.
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