Ingress: The Animation (2018–2019)
Looks good, sounds great but plot goes a little funny
10 October 2020
At first, I thought it was amazing. The plot starts out pretty strong, I was enjoying the mash up of matrix/ghost in the shell-ish vibes but I'd in the final quarter of the show, the plot kinda went a bit off the reservation.

Without going into details, I felt like the plot changed direction too quickly and started taking you down a road that was a bit cheesier than what I'd initially expected. The story pretty quickly wiped out a bunch of the central plot points and pretty much regrouped with something a lot more bizarre and harder to support.

They also started succumbing to cheesy gimmicks and events to drive the story forward that I felt were a bit misplaced. I know believability isn't a big deal to an anime dealing with such odd themes but there did come a point where I felt they pushed it too far. The whole world uniting to defend against evil sorta thing.

The beautiful visuals, it's really cleanly animated and I always enjoy when a show gets a soundtrack right. Quite a fun mix of edgy sounding techno and dramatic electronic.

On the whole, worth a watch. I struggled with the final few episodes but by that point my heart wasn't in it anymore.
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