What Did You Major In In College???
9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So something happened, and an FBI agent is being examined for his mental acuity and his account of what happened. So FBI guy tells his story. He was in the Human Trafficking Division. In NO. CAL. So that's where the story begins the flashback that of course is expected....

They get around to hunting in the woods for a missing person. A missing Hunter.

Okay this movie is pretty bleh. Why do they let FBI guy survive, twice????

They let him live when they ambushed the deputy and the hunter dude.

And then zombie hunter dude had him by the throat and then let him go??

And somehow he has some resistance to the sonic power of this witch or whatever it is and he blows it away with a shotgun???

Okay well -2 STars for him living thru it all which made no sense really.

And -1 STar for being way too short. Short and ALSO BORING are not very good traits .

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