Alex's only journey on the Genesis.
8 October 2020
Before the Sega Genesis, there was the Sega Master System and before there was Sonic the Hedgehog, there was Alex Kidd! Suffice to say, I can see why they ditched Alex in lieu of Sonic if this adventure is any indication. I have only played this Alex Kidd game, and all I can say is that I hope the one's on the Master System were a bit longer and less random than this one was! Seriously, it was on the short side with any length artificially enhanced by the cheapest way to die possible, playing a game of rock, paper and scissors! Yes, you have to win random games to proceed. If you fail at a game, you forfeit a life!

So, the story has Alex going to this planet where they are obsessed with the game paper, rock and scissors. He is there to find his father, whom he believes is being held on this planet against his will. Alex must traverse towns, oceans and mountains to get to the castle in the sky and rescue his father!

The game play is a lot like Mario; however, instead of power ups, you get a few items you can use. The most important a necklace that allows Alex to fling projectiles at his enemies. If you do not have this and have to rely on his punch and jump kick, you're in for a bad time! He can also get a motorcycle and little copter which is incorporated most in a level where you use it to traverse the skies! This level provided more cheap deaths than the paper, rock and scissor game. There are only about 12 stages though, very short compared to a Mario game; though, this game seems to be inspiration for Kid Chameleon as I saw several similarities and that one has a whole heck of a lot of levels! This one is short on boss fights too, with there being only one at the end.

So, Alex pretty much ended after this game, though I think there has been enhanced versions of Miracle World released. I played this on a emulator that happens to have the other Alex adventures on it, so I will try them also. This game was an okay game; however, when I played it as a kid I could not win due to dying cheaply constantly. I was able to use save states this time and saved before those rock paper scissor duels and was able to complete it this time.
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