Sunset Contract (Thriller)
7 October 2020
First of all, this masterpiece is much like a Greek Tragedy (neat, special!). Everything happens in one location. Within one day. With only three characters. Played by three superb actors, using great, realistic dialogues.

If you think that's boring, watch this thriller! Unless somebody spoils it and tells you the genius plot and how the story ends, you will be watching the movie in amazement and will be thrilled, excited, puzzling what on earth is happening and going to happen next?

Things look rather normal at the start, but it gets more and more curious and weird while the story develops. What is going on? You're in for a surprise, all of the time. There's even an extra one, just when you think the story has finished.

Note: I saw it in my home country, The Netherlands, via a watch-movies-at-home service named Pathe Thuis (pathe-thuis.nl). I enjoyed every minute of it!
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