Event Horizon (1997)
Still remember the intensity in the cinema!
7 October 2020
It's been a long time since I watched Event Horizon on its first day of cinematic release in Australia. And yet it is one film where I can still clearly remember the intensity of sitting upright in my seat as the plot descends into the chaos of hell when the characters one by one lose their minds - and lives. The film moves at a decent pace with the drama and gory horror building into the crescendo finale. A movie has to have an ending and it's not always an easy feat for horror movies to keep everyone satisfied with them. This reviewer was. Great performances by Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne really carry the hell-scary plot. It's creepy, eeky and sci-fi fans will probably really enjoy it. Event Horizon is best enjoyed on the big screen. But watch it very late on a dark night and you'll be pleasantly spooked by it... if that's your thing!
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