Peppermint (2018)
Really entertaining
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer Garner plays Riley, a mum whose husband is tempted by a friend to rob a Mexican drug cartel after his business falls on hard times. The Cartel find out the plan, murder the friend and then open fire on Riley's husband and daughter at a fairground, killing them. Riley is injured but later recovers and identifies the three men who killed her family.

The Cartel's lawyer visits Riley at home and tries to pay her off, Riley throws him out. At the court hearing, the judge dismissed the case, sighting insufficient evidence. Riley is deemed unstable and ordered by the judge to be detained at a mental facility.

Whilst in the ambulance with the Detective who tried to help Riley get justice (Carmichael) Riley hits him and escapes and is not seen again. Moving forward five years, there are a spate of killings of cartel members, including the three men who Killed Riley's family. Along with the corrupt judge who dismissed the case.

The FBI become involved and Carmichael and his partner are called to speak to them. The female FBI Officer is shown CCTV footage and identifies Riley as the woman whose family were killed 5 years ago, she connects the killings to Riley. The FBI decide to go public and the media are told about Riley, social media goes wild, discussing the rights and wrongs of vigilante Riley.

Riley goes on to find the Cartel's money laundering warehouse and kills everyone, then burns the millions of dollars there. The Cartel boss, guesses that Riley will next head to their drug lab, so set her up, planting explosives there. Riley spots the explosives and manages to escape as the lab is blown up.

Riley finds the two Cartel guys who blew up the lab and kills them, not before finding out where the Cartel boss lives, she drives their car back to the house, with the dead guys still in the front. They are let inside and Riley goes about killing all the henchmen before seeking out the Cartel boss, who she is about to kill, then his daughter comes out looking for her father, which distracts Riley, the boss stabs her and escapes.

Police gather at the boss's house and Carmichael's partner argues with another police office, accusing him of not providing Carmichael with vital info, regarding the Cartel's activity. The police officer tells him, he had been trying to contact Carmichael for days. At that point, the partner realises Carmichael's a dirty cop.

Meanwhile Carmichael meets with the female FBI agent at a down and out tent "city", where she has discovered, Riley hides out and it transpires, helps and protects the homeless people who live there. Corrupt Carmichael kills the FBI agent and then phones the cartel boss to tell him where Riley is. The boss and his henchmen all arrive at tent city in search of Riley, who has sent footage to a news station of the cartel and of dirty cop Carmichael. She tells everyone to come to Tent City, news crews, police etc.

The boss then grabs one of the tent city kids and threatens to kill her if Riley doesn't come out of her hiding place. Riley concedes and the boss releases the girl and proceeds to beat up Riley, who mocks him as he hits her. The police arrive along with helicopters and presumably the henchmen are arrested. The boss shoots Carmichael, assuming he's double crossed them. Riley finds the boss, who has run away and attacks him. Carmichael's partner implores her not to kill him, but she does and is shot by other officers, but somehow escapes.

Carmichael's partner finds Riley, lying injured at the grave of her husband and daughter. Riley is rushed to hospital and lies handcuffed to a bed. The partner visits her and it would seem has slipped her the key to the cuffs. The film ends with an empty bed and the open cuff, still attached to the bed. Riley has escaped.

I really enjoyed this film, love a film where the baddies get what they deserve. Great for those who love action films.
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