6 October 2020
...if you think the quest for the worst Christmas film of all time ended with Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Santa with Muscles, you couldn't be more wrong.

Santa has a younger brother called Atnas, who is understandably annoyed at having the type of parents who thought it was a good idea to give their second child the same name as their first child...only spelt backwards. As a result Mr Atnas develops a lifelong bitterness towards his idiotic Yo-Ho-Hoing brother so eventually kidnaps him and makes plans to put an end to Christmas...sleep with Mrs Claus and publish his autobiography 'Atnas Regained'. Fortunately Santa has an annoying brat and lots of Elves on his side...plus a magic hat that can turn Atnas' henchmen into a toilet and a plunger.

There is a joke about Ed Wood hidden in the end credits, which suggests the filmmakers' tongues might not have been far from their cheeks, but even so The Boy Who Saved Christmas is the type of festive film that leaves you wondering if you haven't started on the eggnog early this year....or wishing that you had. I have to confess though that Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without an annual watch of this rubbish.

Currently on rotation on Sony Movies Christmas for the people who've been naughty all year.
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