Why Did I Ruin My Life Renting This?
4 October 2020
I meddled with forces beyond comprehension when as a totally inexperienced adolescent I rented this artifact from Hell back in 1990.

I excitedly shoved the cassette into the top load VHS player and waited for the lurid show to begin. I'm going to make it as brief as possible; I can go on into painstaking details of how I excitedly ran home, eager to satiate my morbid curiosity about horrible death, how I was transfixed by the baleful Gorgon Video animated logo.

From there I knew I was in for something morally reprehensible but I couldn't stop myself from proceeding. The opening credits splashed on over some putrid autopsy proceedings and the accompanying music was something Satan had to inspire cause it was so unnerving, I mean these bellowing chords reached into your soul. Sounded like the trumpets of Hell, hearing that and seeing the putrefying cadavers, I wanted to crawl in a hole and pull the dirt over me.

I could go on and on about how utterly violated I felt after watching a myriad of animal cruelties, inhumanities and broken stumps of meat formally human beings. I can mention the melancholy that pervaded the room, seeing the murky, blurry, creepy old timey super 8 images, deathly vibes billowed from this unearthly relic from the 70's. I can say so much more about the demonic feels blasting out from the screen but I'm going to focus on one segment that has haunted me for 30 years!

The female cyclist that was run over head first by the heavy drive wheel of the semi truck, she is simply the most revolting and gruesome dead body I ever saw and I've seen it all to this point. The grisly aftermath spectacle of this woman is truly horrible; she looks indescribable. Faces of Death would have been a distant memory if it weren't for the cyclist segment; that gruesome woman has literally haunted me everyday for 30 years.

I've seen her standing beside my bed at 3 a.m. In the same mangled aftermath state she was reduced to; she looked completely vacant, totally revolting and absolutely terrifying. This film is a bridge for the tormented souls to crossover into the threshold of the living, to torment the ones sensitive to these forces like I.

I implore others to keep away from irredeemable, soul raping death films like this, lest you want to summon a denizen of the netherworld.
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