Body Bags (1993 TV Movie)
What why
4 October 2020
Oof. This was brutal. It's not awful but there are certain expectations I have when names like John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper are attached. Carpenter has always had a thing for anthology horror. Whether it was his attempt to make Halloween an anthology or this seeming attempt to make a horror tv show. The problem here is, unfortunately, John Carpenter's shorts. There are 3 total and Carpenter tackles 2 or them. At this point, his best work is behind him and Escape from LA was ahead. To call his shorts "horror" would be doing a disservice to his actual horror movies. One follows a girl at a gas station who does nothing then gets chased around for no reason. The next is about a guy that wants hair, but the hair is alive. That's all these shorts amount too. Tobe Hooper delivers a marginally better, if nonsensical, short called "eye". Mark Hamill is a baseball player who gets an eye transplant and, for some reason, starts acting like a serial killer. It hardly makes sense but I think the biggest issue between all 3 shorts is the ambition. They all bite off more then they could chew for such a small time window. There isn't enough time to develop any of these stories or characters and they come off clunky as a result. The production is generally nice and the direction is typically solid, plus Carpenter is wonderful as the shell story morgue worker. Unfortunately, the shell story that is used to connect the shorts doesn't do a great job connecting anything. It's all so awkward and corny, even treading into unintentionally funny at times.
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