The love story that you'll never forget
30 September 2020
Unlike many out there who are not into period dramas, I'm a quite a sucker for it and I purposely search for my next sageuk to fall in love with.

Gotta be honest, I was upset when it began seeing it in modern era and I had to check it out it YouTube to see if that was true and was happy to see it transcends later on. I thought it was quite refreshing to other sageuks I watched and I've always kinda fancied time travelling but this drama was kinda smart in the way they did it. The actors played in the present time and also the past time as different characters.

I instantly fell in love with the teenage couple. They had great chemistry and I felt their love immediately. Must admit, I was dissapointed that their time was short and I missed them dearly and was always happy whenever they flashed back to them. Yet, I was not dismayed by the adult versions. Gotta admit, I fell head over heels for Lee Gyeom. Damn he was FINE! I have a habit of falling in love with actors if they portray their character well and my phones wallpaper changes every time I fall in love with a new founded actor haha. Yes, today it has the Lord Viseong for sure heeee.

The chosen sceneries for this drama was really perfect. Props to the set director. The fact that this drama took a year to produce and they had the chance to shoot in all four seasons did great for them. I appreciate that they didn't rush for no reason and took time to make it as magical as they could. I must say I loved the snowy and the spring scenes the most. Just beautiful. The three days the two lovers spent up in Mount Geumgang was beyond imagination. It was so beautiful that anyone would instantly fall in love with the characters (if you hadn't yet) and the entire ambience. I really loved how they had the actors paint on the camera when they were painting together. The writers and directors really knew how to make it romantic without having to show skin. My heart was full of love watching these two. You just want more and more.

I'd like to talk about Saimdang, the character for a bit. We can all learn a lot from her. I loved all her teachings to each and every child of hers as she recognises individuality and no one person is the same as the other. I, myself as a mother treat my son differently than my daughter coz they have such contra personalities and one shoe doesn't fit all. I've read a few reviews from people upset with Saimdang for the choices she made and yes, I have to few myself. But what I have to say is.... She isn't you and you aren't her. Saimdang is an exceptional woman. I actually applaud her for being such a forgiving person. That cleanses her soul. And she isn't bitter in life. If we wanna take it one sided, we can call her husband a good for nothing sob but she also looks in the mirror and asks herself is she to blame too and she accepts what her husband asked her as the truth. She never did love him as a man, just respected him as her husband. How could she when her heart was filled with only one man, her Lee Gyeom. Her personality is admirable. She never sat and sighed or complained about life and worked hard to make it better. For 21 years, her husband was unemployed and she was the one wearing the pants in the family. But she never once screamed or shouted and accepted her fate, yet still encouraging her husband daily. Her making sure the kids didn't resent their father was something I can surely learn from. Love her! I don't think I'll ever forget her.

Lord Viseong's character was doomed from the start. Poor dear suffered till his last breath. It was very heartbreaking watching him throughout the drama. I could feel every pain of his through his eyes alone and I must commend Song Seung Heon on a job well done. Everytime he crumbled, I crumbled with him. He also smiled and laughed a lot whenever he got the chance to be with her. She was truly his soulmate. I loved that. Soul mates across time indeed.

If I were to choose one mistake Saimdang did (though I know many won't agree with me), I would say was her choice to save him from jail. Lemme tell you why I think this. The three days up in the mountains with no one but the two of them was like three years to Lee Gyeom. He waited for so many years to be with the woman he loves and finally he feels a touch of hope has arrived. That three days were like an ointment to his long and aching endless pain. But when his happiness is at it's peak (whenever Saimdang is with him is when he is happy), she decides it best to leave him to be with her kids. I believe she didn't make the right choice. It's as if she feels she isn't entitled to happiness and chooses to live the rest of her life with that emptiness not being filled. If she had thought it carefully, she could've easily had a meet and greet slow talk with all her kids together with the man to explain to them all about them and how they wanted to be together and get their blessings. The kids would surely and gladly welcome him as they have witnessed many times how he has always been there for their mother. Her choice however broke the man for good and he never recovered. His choice to surrender himself to the king is his way of saying he has had enough. Saimdang may not have seen this, that without her, he is nothing. He practically breaths for her and without her, he is a dead man walking. She had her kids to spend her life with but he had no one. Do you think he was living in Italy? No, he was just a walking corpse on the verge of insanity. It was very heartbreaking to see him in that way. Saimdang should've just let him die. Instead, he was paying a price and eternal suffering being punished for loving a woman he can never be with. Such a cruel, painful punishment.

I loved the script very much. And I think most of the best lines were also those in the three days up Mount Geumgang. What Lord Viseong said about them being parallel lines, never crossing, never meeting but always walking side by side is nice but I loved most what Saimdang said about the sun being envious of the moon for sleeping all day and only awake at night time, not realising what a lonely existence it was for the moon to be alone in the darkness shining brightly for others. Hence, 'Siesta de Luna'.

For those that feel like giving up halfway through the drama (for being a bit draggy), don't give up coz I could say the last five episodes were worth waiting for. I changed my mind on my ratings in just those last five episodes. They really made the drama a memorable one, never to be forgotten.

The costumes were very enjoyable. There was so many different outfits suitable for each scene. Gotta say I loved Lee Gyeom's hanbok the most. The layering really stood out whenever he was in a fighting scenes with it flowing around while he is in action. So beautiful. The OST is just as great. I am already learning a few songs. Great cinematography too.

Hope you guys enjoyed Saimdang, The Memoirs of Colours as much as I did. It will take me a day or two before I can rest my mind and begin my next sageuk hehe and I already have many on my watch list.
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