Fear the Walking Dead: TEOTWAWKI (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
Slow paced episode that focuses on world building and character development, a new community is introduced
30 September 2020
Deborah Chow is the one who directed the third episode of Fear's third season, she is talented so nothing is wrong with the directing. The episode titled Teotwawki and it isn't as great as the two previous ones but it is a good one that slows things down a bit to make us see the aftermath of the deaths and to have time for some character development and getting to know the new characters and community, and it even begins with a TV commercial that Jeremiah Otto is in that explains some and dialogue later on shows even more backstory. As we follow Strand, we get to introduced to another big community that is located at a Dam, it's run by Dante Esquivel a person from Strand's past. On the ranch, Alicia meets the other teenagers and it isn't one of the best scenes of the season but it works as it develops Alicia and we learn more of the survivors of the Ranch.

The musical score and sound editing keeps surprising me in how good it is, how I never thought about it on my first viewing back in 2017 is strange. Cinematography is again incredible. I enjoyed this episode, probably more the second time than the first. It lacks action but has great world building and storytelling.

Also Ruben Blades made his return appearance in this episode as Daniel Salazar, a great character.
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