Jericho: Semper Fidelis (2007)
Season 1, Episode 15
Defcon Meh
29 September 2020
BS-du-jour: The fight in Hawkins' living room. I don't think Jackie Chang would charge too much for choreographing this fight. Instead we have some "crouching tiger" style body-flying and "combat" moves even I can repeat.

BS-du-jour 2: A girl shoots a stranger who tried to kill her father. She says loud and clear, "I'm fine". But NO! Her mommy yells "YOU'RE NOT FINE!" and turns an already traumatic situation into chaos and mayhem as she heads to the door. Her reasoning for doing that? "How many more people will come after you?" One, IT'S A WAR, GIRL. And two, where the heck do you think you're going? There isn't even a motel in this craphole! WHO wrote that scene?
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