Review of The Rook

The Rook (2019)
Slightly above average
28 September 2020
Barely above average but managed to keep me watching the entire season. Did not read the books, which other reviewers have described as great and were consequently disappointed with the show. For plot synopsis, check out the other reviews, I won't re-hash. I was really intrigued by the character Gestalt ( 2 identical and 2 fraternal twins which are psychically linked, when one learns something they all do), which I believe was first imagined by british SF author John Wyndham in The Midwich Cuckoos - later filmed as Village of the Damned (highly recommended, the original not the 90s remake crapfest). My main problem with this show was the lead actress Emma Greenwell - didn't feel like she had the acting chops to pull off this role and was usually bored with her performance ( although this may have been a problem with direction, I admit I have not seen her in anything else). James D'Arcy gives a good performance but his role was under-developed, as was Adrian Lester's. Joely Richardson was great as usual, and Olivia Munn beautiful as ever but frankly her acting in this was terrible.
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