Fear Pharm (2020)
Essentially just another madmen in the cornfield type of horror movie...
27 September 2020
Granted, I didn't really have much of any hopes or expectations for this 2020 horror movie titled "Fear PHarm". Why? Well, from the synopsis, it didn't really seem like this was an original movie. But still, it being a new movie, a horror movie nonetheless, and a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I found the time to sit down and watch it.

Turns out that I wasn't in for a particular great moment in horror cinema. Sure, "Fear PHarm" was watchable, but it was by no means an overly entertaining or enjoyable horror movie. In fact, everything in the movie was just something that other and older horror movies had already managed to do before, and more often than not actually do better than "Fear PHarm" did.

The script and storyline was straight forward, sure. But it was just too bland and mediocre, and there were no real surprising along the way. So it was a movie that was essentially just running on auto-pilot from writers Mark S. Allen, Howard Burd and Dante Yore. And director didn't really manage to lift up the movie out of the mediocre gutter that the movie was stuck in.

The acting in the movie was actually adequate, taking into consideration what little material the actors and actresses had to work with. The characters, however, were one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. They were all lacking proper personalities to distinguish them from one another. And the villains in the movie, or bad guys - call them what you will - were just so bland that they left no memorable impression. However, I will say that John Littlefield - playing Herschel - actually carried the movie quite well with his performance.

Visually, I must say that "Fear PHarm" was actually quite alright. The few special effects that were in the movie were actually done quite nicely and made me squirm at a point. So that was at least something.

If you enjoy a good horror movie, then I would say that your money, time and effort is better spent elsewhere, because "Fear PHarm" was just a less than mediocre horror movie. I mean, haven't the whole corn field plot been over-used in horror movies already? Did we really need another corn field movie with madmen milling about inside? No. Not really.

My rating of "Fear PHarm" lands on a generous four out of ten stars. It was watchable, but not a memorable movie, nor a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.
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