Review of Cargo

Cargo (I) (2019)
Has a cool premise but nothing exciting is done with it.
26 September 2020
I remember hearing about Cargo at some film festivals and since I love the sci-fi genre I decided to see what India can do with it.

Cargo follows Prahastha, an isolated astronaut who readies dead people for reincarnation and is soon joined by his assistant, Yuvishka, who helps him with his job.

What I liked about this film was just how different it was compared to other Bollywood films. It's refreshing to see something new and unique come from the Hindi film industry but at the same time, Cargo is barely interesting. Writer-director Arati Kadav presents us with an idea that could have went in many directions but sadly she doesn't do much with it. The film tries convey messages like loneliness but Kadav barely scratches the surface with these themes. A great sci-fi film that explores loneliness brilliantly is Moon starring Sam Rockwell which I urge people to watch. On top of that, Cargo moves at a very sluggish pace which makes the film feel even more boring.

Now I know this film was made on a shoestring budget and they did try to make this film look good but unfortunately it still looked quite cheap. The shots of the spaceship looked quite fake and parts of the interior didn't look very good either. The performances were good. Vikrant Massey and Shweta Tripathi do a decent job but the characters aren't explored enough and because of that I didn't feel emotionally connected to them.

Arati Kadav has conceived an interesting premise but she wasn't able to do anything exciting with it. It moved way too slowly and failed to explore its ideas to its full extent. I would suggest skipping out on this one.
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