Review of Tenet

Tenet (2020)
My ears are ringing 24hrs later...No Oscars for Sound Effects
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, take earmuffs or something. My mother sat through most of the movie with fingers in her ears, my ears have still been ringing 24hrs later! This was particularly bad at the start of the film - I was ready to walk out after 15mins of ear-deafening soundtrack, with no point to it other than to make a lot of noise: case in point the early railway scene. Seriously do we need the sound of 10 freight trains to over-shadow the action going on?! I couldn't even concentrate on the screen it was so deafening.

Secondly, once you get past the horrendous sound effects at the beginning, the story seems like it is going to be ok, you can sort of follow it, and thankfully most of it takes place in the real world....this takes you up to about an hour. Then the switch happens and you are forced to sit through the story you just watched in reverse and all jumbled up BORING!! It wasn't that great of a story in the first place, let alone to have to see it twice! After 2 hours I was tired and exhausted and just wished I was watching this at home so I could turn it off and sleep - come back to the ending later- it wasn't like I was compelled to find out what happened....

Last 30mins - as painful, loud, confusing, pointless as expected. No payoff, no explanation for how it's even possible that if one man kills himself then the world will end because of an "algorithm" that is already split up and hidden and nowhere near him in anyway and from what I could tell, not connected to any power source???!!! Maybe this is one for Wikipedia to answer! But really should we have to resort to that? A movie should be self-contained. The worst part of the film is the ending. Especially when it was revealed that the "protagonist" would have to do this all over again on repeat in the future! Poor soul I feel for you... What a boring life you will have.

If you think I don't like "repeat movies" That's not the case as I really liked Edge of Tomorrow. I've given this movie 4 stars for Elizabeth Debeki because at least Nolan had the foresight to put a beautiful woman on screen to add some soothing colour and help ease the pain.

My mother (who loves Inception) has said this movie has done it for her now. She won't go back to the movies if her ears will be blown off. She'd rather watch Netflix now where she can control the sound and put on subtitles, if needed, for the dialogue. I don't disagree with her.

The only reason we sat through this and didn't ask for our money back is because there are literally no alternative movies being released at the moment. I think any box office for this will be utterly false and due to Covid-19. I think Nolan knew this would be a flop if released with actual screen competition.
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