SEAL Team: Kill or Cure (2019)
Season 3, Episode 9
Writers Need To Do Homework - SPOILERS!
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review is specifically about the Ensign Davis character, and what happens to her in this episode.

For a show that prides itself on building realistic situations for all its main characters, this episode represents what happens when the writers get lazy, and can't figure out how to build a particular story arc.

The bar scene, where Davis gets assaulted, then arrested is exactly what I am talking about. The police officer in that scene has no cause for arrest whatsoever. Davis was in the middle of rightfully defending herself, when the cop grabbed her by the shoulder without identifying himself first. So of course she turns and punches him to continue her defense. First off, the cop would have clearly seen what was going on, and would have stepped in to help her while identifying himself. Second, there is no way he would have blindly grabbed her by the shoulder; that's a ludicrous situation for anybody.

If the writers wanted to write this scene to build a story arc in order to show the newly minted Ensign Davis getting into trouble, then they should have made it an all out bar brawl, wherein the police show up and arrest everybody. As it is, they have decided to show Davis getting into trouble for no cause at all. Lazy writing at its finest! This situation will need to be fixed in later episodes, or I will start losing faith in what the writers might start doing with other characters. They're riding an extremely fine line with the Jason Hayes character as it is. Thus, it won't take much to turn this great show into some serious thumbs-down territory.

Good luck.
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