Hangover 3 is different from the first two movies
20 September 2020
I give a director credit when they can come up with a new idea instead of trying to rehash the same old one over and over. Hangover 3 is different mainly because it does not keep with the formula of the first two films.

One of the more unique things about this Hangover film is that is uses plot points from the first Hangover film to explain this story. For that reason alone, I felt this was a good movie. Most directors probably would have just gone with more sex and gratuity.

So I think this Hangover film has a good plot that flows with the first film. The irony is that by taking this approach it actually left the door open for a 4th Hangover film that could realistically go back to the original formula and it be believable as a story.

But maybe like some of the cast members have said, the Hangover films have run their course. Overall though, I enjoyed Hangover 3 and would recommend it.
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