outrageous exaggeration all over the place
19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary demonizing technology with exaggeration and hypothesis.

Perhaps this documentary is targeted to people who do not have the ability to make decisions and filter information.The documentary promotes the assumption that people are weak minded and incapable to control what they see, hear and in general...technology. Fake News was not born with the internet. It exists since the first humans communicated information in a way that served they own agenda. They had Fake News in ancient Greece, they had it in the middle ages, they had it in WW2.

Most people I know have control of what they see and do on line. They can investigate if something i Fake News or not. It just takes a bit of reading, clicking and time.

Near the end, it is promoting that idea that technology and global exchange of information and ideas between individual people is bad. That technology may cause the end of civilization and civil wars (in the US). Is there an agenda here? Is it a good thing to distance people? Is it good for individual citizens to stop communicating directly and form relationships over vast distances?

Of course I am located in Europe. Perhaps this is a documentary only targeted to a US audience where people are affected differently for some reason beyond my comprehension.

Personally, I have been using the internet since the Beginning of internet! I have never been addicted, misinformed, isolated, missed dinner, sold something I did not want or gone to war with my neighbors. I even decided that I don't really need a smartphone because I get enough internet on my pc so I am only using my mobile phone to ...talk.

So, I give this mockumentary...a 2!
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