Not good.
19 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film lacks quality in a lot of places.

At the beginning the mother is in handcuffs being interviewed by the police. The detective's handgun is sitting on the desk directly in front of her, inches from her handcuffed hands. That has got to be the most idiotic police officer in the history of police. Nope, it's just bad film making.

Being a found footage film they follow the same guidelines of cameras that have interference sometimes, except these cameras have that same interference a lot of times for no reason. It is obvious that the person responsible for deciding when to include that interference doesn't understand why other found footage films use this special effect. This being the only special effect in the entirety of the movie and it being used too often without emphasizing the moments when it should have been used, it's just bad film making.

I found it entirely unbelievable that Alex and Thomas had no idea what Tarot cards are. While I feel it is likely that many people haven't seen them in person, at least one of the two has got to have seen a book, film, or tv show that showed tarot cards.

At one point in the film Thomas and Alex decide to place a hidden camera in the boy's room, and they get the boy's mother's permission. Later on they show a family video from a camera hidden in the exact same place which was put there by the mother. Obviously it is exactly the same camera. This shows that they didn't think the continuity of that action through.

The ending lacked any sort of special effects, and the acting for a telekinetic/physical fight was not something these actors could pull off well. This made the ending extremely cheesy, which is unfortunate because if they had pulled off a good quality ending they could have pulled this movie up in quality a lot. They should have omitted the magic and gone with a knife or something easier to act out like that.

So, to sum it up, this film made a lot of major mistakes that simply ruin the story and take you out of the experience.
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