Great Show
16 September 2020
This is by far one of the best things I've seen on television. This show has been on since 1992 so when watching the earlier years it might not measure up to today's standards but when filming those earlier years they were with the times, fashion, music, etc. The last couple decades have been the best (in my opinion). The acting is by far WAY above stereotypical "soap" acting, especially when you compare it to American soaps. The people on and behind this show really put a lot into it and it shows. The locations are beautiful, the music is always great (I'm always adding songs to my playlist), the costumes and hair/makeup are amazing. The lighting and sets are beautiful. The props department are so talented and very detailed. I bet it's a great show to design for and work on. Being a soap, some of the storylines are a bit much and can drag on but as a whole it's great writing, acting, and designing. I would love to use my degree to do hair and makeup for this show (a girl can dream lol).
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