A Snow White Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
A Snow White humbug
15 September 2020
Love Christmas and love the 'Snow White' story, one of my favourite stories since childhood, so the concept of having elements of the story mixed with the Christmas setting really did intrigue me. Actually one of the most interesting concepts of any Christmas film seen recently, so the potential was definitely there for it to be at least above average. There are many classic Christmas films as well as some real misfires out there and was hoping that with a concept this interesting that 'A Snow White Christmas' would not be in the latter category.

Sadly to me 'A Snow White Christmas' was a catastrophic misfire in pretty much every way. Have always tried to be as kind as possible when reviewing something and am usually generous with my ratings, ratings under 5 have been less frequent. The lowest possible rating is a very rare rating for me these days, my last 1/10 was given to a 'Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders' episode way back in June. But 'A Snow White Christmas' deserves it, the worst Christmas film seen in a long time and the worst overall seen since 'Flesh Feast' with Veronica Lake. What a massive potential waste.

'A Snow White Christmas' least bad asset is the music. Even that is forgettable at best.

Everything else though ranges from bad to pretty abysmal. It is a cheap-looking film, all looking rushed and under-budget. There were instances of some films that were made in a matter of days and not on an expensive budget but still managed to be great because of the writing and acting being so good (i.e. 'Margin Call', just a brief example). The photography was drab and the editing was erratic throughout with a mix of jumping about and drawing out. Have seen better designed settings at Christmas plays.

In regard to the writing, that is one of 'A Snow White Christmas' worst done components. The amount of cheese, awkwardness and unintentional camp increasingly became really hard to take. There is too much going on in the story, it all felt far too busy with a lot of things happening but pretty much all of it being skimmed over and done next to nothing with. The romance is incredibly rushed and severely underdeveloped, with a major character behaviour in particular being so unrealistically abrupt and going from one extreme emotion to another (and the complete opposite) in a matter of seconds. In facts there are too many characters, too many relationships between them and any references to the 'Snow White' story are like shoehorned in throwaways rather than affectionate.

Next to none of them developed well. One knows how everything is going to map out exactly in all the relationships and one does not connect in any of them. Because there is far too little done with them, meaning a lack of emotions, and because the characters are so sketchy and little more than bland and obnoxious stereotypes they are impossible to connect with too. Lets not get started on the lifeless direction, the complete lack of charm and the far too broad acting.

Concluding, terrible. 1/10
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