Time Knights
15 September 2020
This is another under the radar gem, this show was based on the last of the fantasy toy lines from Mattel. It makes sense that they would take on the Arthurian legend and I thought that was cool as I really love that legend.

I really like the idea as it's similar to the film "Army of Darkness" in a way you can say this is the closest we'll get to an animated series based on that film. But also this show slightly predates the TV show "Once Upon a Time" as its fifth season did something similar as it went into the world of King Arthur, though you can also say this show is part of what that Fifth season of that show wanted to be but failed.

The animation is solid, I really like the designs of the armor which look so cool. My favorite is King Arthur's armor which is gold, it just has this strong but elegant design to it. Even like the transformation sequence as the good guy armor up. This sort of makes the show a bit of a Super Sentai show, you can say this show is also sort of a medevil "Power Rangers".

Action is solid, the fights are well choregraphed and a little variety to it as you see sword/weaponry fights and vehicular assault or should I say horseback and siege weapon assault. Each of the weapons are all different and have different designs and functions.

But I also like the magic powers the knights have which is similar to the animated series "Visionaries", as each of the knights have emblems on their chests and shields that are magically powered. For the ones on their chest they can summon up a secondary or primary weapon. The ones on the shields summon up magical animals, like with Arthur it's a big golden fire breathing dragon and others like Breeze it's a Sphinx.

The music is awesome, this show has some of the best music tracks. Really love the theme song which is one of my favorite theme songs of all time which is just awesome really has that rockin epic heroic tone to it, that just makes you want to charge into battle.

I really like Arthur and his knights, their all football players but they're not stereotypical jocks. Each of these guys are likeable, have distinctive personas and have the brains and the right attitude. There are also bits of depth to them in some episodes.

Bad guys are also good, though the supporting villains don't quite stand out much except in design but they serve their functions they all are cool designs, really like how inhuman they look making them armored monsters and have unique abilities like Black Wing whom is sort of an armored gargoyle that has air superiority.

This is another show that has a very good voice ensemble cast, as it consists of favorites of mine like Michael Donavan, Gary Chalk, Mark Hildreth, Jim Byrnes, Kathleen Barr all who aren't strangers to the fantasy genre of animation.

For good guys that stand out there is of course King Arthur whom is a solid protagonist, he's pretty much like Jason Scott/Red Ranger as he is the strong leader type that is always trying to keep the team together as well as work well. He's always puts his concern for others first above himself.

Merlin voiced well by Jim Byrnes, he's the mentor figure much like Zordon for the "Power Rangers". He's the one that always supplies Arthur and his Knights with crucial knowledge they need. But I also like that he also gets into the action sometimes as he's helps out the knights whenever he can.

The two villains that stand out are Morgana and Viper. Morgana voiced well by Kathline Barr, not much to say about her as she's basically the evil sorceress archetype but due to the voice actress's performance she does it well and has some memorable lines. Also like the fact that it's a woman that is the head honcho villainess for once which at the time was rare in animated shows. She's a bit like Krang from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" because like Krang she's the one that supplies the schemes and gadgets for Viper and his warlords to go out and utilize.

Viper voiced well by Gary Clarke, he's a fun villain you love to dislike as he's got some of the best lines. He's basically a medieval version of Shredder from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" like him he's a power mongering jerk that will use every dirty trick in the book from his own to Morgana's to accomplish his nefarious goals.

I wouldn't mind a revival of some sort where the plotline could be elaborated on, make it a little like the "His Dark Materials" books where the keys of truth could have something more to it where their actually key's to different realms and one of those leads to theirs. This could enhance the plot more where King Arthur and his knights are not just protecting Camelot but also the other realms. Maybe some story arcs where they go on some quest to find this or that.

Have more variety in Morgana and Viper's goals where may 'be they go to some realm and discover some scientific method or technology and use it on Arthur and his knights. But also have some more depth to the knight characters where we would know a little about their life back in their realm. I know a long pass but still one to consider trying.

"King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" is a lost in time gem worth discovering.

Rating: 3 stars
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