Not really a desperate hour.
15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This interesting but claustrophobic little thriller has a few interesting elements, but action really isn't one of them. A good majority of it is spent in Noreen Nash's boarding house with her initially unaware that the men with her boyfriend Robert Bice are criminals, part of a payroll robbery. Bice has been injured and needs a place to hide out, but when a new tenant, Gene Raymond, moves in, they become concerned that he's not the doctor that he claims to be.

Veteran villains Martin Kosleck and Ralfe Harolde are among the other members of the gang, and they spend more time arguing about what they are going to do rather than do it. Other tenants move out, complaining that Nash spends more time catering to the newer guests, stupidly not seeing that something shady is going on. This is a weakly written crime melodrama with cardboard cutout characters and a typical shootout ending that has absolutely no suspense.
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