Star Trek: Enterprise: Cease Fire (2003)
Season 2, Episode 15
Action packed episode with Enterprise caught between Vulcans and Andorians
14 September 2020
Archer is requested to be a mediator between the Vulcans and the Andorians on the disputed planet Weytahn.

The one is a bit of an action/thriller with political tensions that have to be carefully guided by Captain Archer. It contains suspenseful moments that are fairly plausible. Rather than lives being at stake, it's a peace process.

Focus is divided between events on the Weytahn and what happens in orbit above as the Vulcans and Andorians approach. Archer takes the lead on the ground getting involved in all sorts of action and negotiations, whilst Trip Tucker is in the chair trying to keep the enemy ships from getting involved.

As a story it works well and all the actors do a good job. As for the characters, this is another example of Enterprise bad decision to portray Vulcans the way they do. The actors do their best to give ice-cold performances, yet their dialogue is drenched with emotion. This probably makes me sound like some sort of finicky nerd, but it's starting to get a bit tiresome.

This had the potential to be a superb episode but the creative decisions like in so many episodes of Enterprise slightly drag it down.
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