Lucifer: Our Mojo (2020)
Season 5, Episode 7
They are one
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my God... this opening scene... I've been waiting for it all my life! Yes it's true, knowing who they are, where they came from and what they've been through, we expected to see Lucifer overwhelmed and for the first time almost intimidated at having made love and not just had sex, and Chloe ecstatic and fallen into worshipping him after the indescribable pleasure of the best night of her life; instead the screenwriter chose to show them as a normal healthy and comfortable couple, quite simply happy, in love and good together, and it is ultimately even better: seeing them cover each other with kisses, tickle each other, joke, tease each other, snuggle up against each other and stroke each other, Chloe's fingers on Lucifer's lips and these same lips in Chloe's neck, as we didn't even dare to hope anymore and as they have been so cruelly prevented so many times, makes me deeply happy. However, less simplistic than that, this episode is a reflection on what it means to be in a relationship and the compromises that it requires. Thus, more and more obsessed with the idea that she cannot find her soul mate since she has no soul, Maze tries to rekindle her past fling with Amenadiel; and if they ultimately won't come back together, their beautiful chat later, where the angel says he has nothing to blame her for, shows once again the long way the demon has come. Likewise, Ella becomes more and more attached to Pete, delighted to have so much in common and passions to share with him, which Lucifer begins by not understanding. Quite intelligently, it is precisely because he is withdrawing into himself and already threatens their barely formed couple that he and Chloe look more like a couple than ever: beyond all the moments when they openly talk about their life together, including sex, beyond this crazy scene where she walks home (their home, damn it!) to find him waiting for her on the bed completely naked in a suggestive pose, even if we can regret not to feel more desire for him from her, Chloe does everything to show him that sharing is not losing and that being two is not ceasing to be oneself, insisting on everything he brings to her, everything he can do and she can't, his superhuman strength, his gift for languages, and even letting him carry a gun to make up for the loss of his power. This is what will save them from the Whisper Killer. The scene of his hunt in a sprawling, seedy public housing with hideous wallpaper, filmed from above with camera following them from room to room, looks like an endless nightmare, where Lucifer, who was attacked by surprise, received a muscular relaxant which prevents him from emitting a sound, and it is by following the look in his eyes that Chloe avoids the stab of the killer and with Lucifer's weapon that she shoots down her attacker; as if they were one... And after a last dialogue with Pete about their ladies, this is what Lucifer finally understands too, in the evening, back home, when he tenderly smiles at the idea that he passed his power on to Chloe simply because he gave himself completely to her. And that's when the last minute of the episode turns drama. Distraught since he discovered the truth about Lucifer, in a scene at Charlotte's grave where Kevin moves us, Dan was visited by the Archangel Michael, who has come with a mission for him to earn his salvation; and tonight, it is in the name of God and to deliver the world from evil that Dan coldly kills Lucifer with a bullet to the heart...
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