Drag Me to Hell (#2.02)
12 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"If there's an issue in all of this so far, it's that the show has been resolving its conflict too speedily. The last finale suggested there was a serious sacrifice involved in Nick getting trapped in hell, but two episodes in, he's fine and free (if allergic to shirts) after only a month. And the danger of the freezer trap is so brief that there's almost no tension to it. Lilith shows up to retrieve Sabrina so quickly she's barely in danger due to a just-revealed psychic trail. Will this happen any time she gets into a scrape? Even the disappearance of Faustus feels a little too quickly resolved. There's barely any time spent with Ambrose and Prudence on the road before they're back in the fold. It does get the gang back together to face off a new villain, but it would be nice to see the show let its challenges breathe for a while. Sabrina's tendency to get her own way can reflect her tenacity, but sometimes it seems like it's also reflecting the show pulling obstacles out of her way."
  • Lisa Weidenfeld, AVClub

All of what Lisa said above, I couldn't agree with more. This season lacks direction thus far, since every time it starts to go somewhere, the writers yank it out from under and resolve it too easily and quickly. Let's hope the next few episodes pick up in pace and purpose.
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