Gods of Egypt (2016)
10 September 2020
"Don't believe everything you read," is how the saying goes, and I say any negativity written about this movie must have been by the hand of negative people.

Granted, I do love all that is Egyptian. That being said, I just re-watched this flick (again!) and was telling a friend I thought it was maybe one of the best movies ever made... I had to look it up online becuz I couldn't for the life of me remember the director's name, tho I knew he'd done Garage Days as well--another really cool flick, btw--and I was horrified by what I saw written about GoE. I had to actually double-check that it was the same movie. I have no idea where these people could be coming from.

Everything about GoE was good, if not great. I'm not an action- or special fx-driven viewer, but what was presented in that respect was well done too. The attire of the cast was so outstandingly striking that I spent a long time trying to find out who the designer was. So okay, I guess there was one thing lacking in that after reading the credits over and over, the titles given to the wardrobe people still left me with no clue as to who actually designed the clothing (so if anyone reading this can decipher it down to a name for me, I'd really like to know who it was that did such a good job). And that's about all the "negativity" you'll get here. Maybe the "bombing at the box office" has more to do with cool people opting to watch at home instead of paying $20 to not be able to pause to go to the bathroom or not be able to have a smoke or drink than it has to do with the movie itself, that's the only thing I can figure.

Go watch it if you haven't already, it's such a cool flick.
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