Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Angels (2002)
Season 4, Episode 6
Back on track
10 September 2020
Even from reading the plot synopsis, one knows that "Angels" is not going to be an easy watch at all (it actually disturbed me and it does disturb me too that it is still something that's relevant today). That is meant on an emotional level, which was not unexpected as 'Law and Order: Special Victims Unit' and the whole 'Law and Order' franchise pulls no punches and covers a wide range of difficult and controverisl topics. Not the episode's quality.

"Angels" may not quite be one of the very best episodes of Season 4, though it is actually in the better end, and as far as the previous episodes go it is not quite on the same level as "Chameleon". Which had more surprises, more suspense and had a more intricate case. It does see Season 4 back on track and is a huge improvement on the very underwhelming previous episode "Disappearing Acts", though that did have its virtues, and feels much more like a 'Special Victims Unit' episode.

The story is very straightforward admittedly, not an awful lot of twists and most of the truth is easy to figure out.

What made "Angels" the memorable episode that it is is its emotional impact. It is one of the most disturbing episodes of the season, with the crime making me sick to the stomach. The ending is also incredibly freaky. It made me angry at how anybody could treat the young in that way, it's practically unspeakable really. It is also one of the season's saddest episodes, very poignant and had me sobbing by the end of the episode (even more so than "Vulnerable" and that is a harrowing and emotional watch as well).

Is the case a straightforward one in terms of what goes on? Yes. Emotionally though it is very varied and complex and there is no trouble following what's going on. It feels much more like a 'Special Victims Unit' episode than "Disappearing Acts" did, the team interaction shines more, there is a much better balance in which team members are focused upon and screen time and there is a lot more professionalism and nowhere near as many sackable offense-worthy actions. One really feels terrible and devastated for the victims and downright disgusted by the responsible.

Production values are solid as ever, as are the music and direction. The script is intelligent and has tension and emotion. The acting is very good all round.

Overall, great episode and sees Season 4 and the show back on track. 9/10
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