The Office: Boys and Girls (2006)
Season 2, Episode 15
Jan Has "Women In The Workplace" Meeting, Michael Has Meeting In Warehouse
9 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jan has a meeting for the females for "women in the workplace". Michael comes in feeling left out and makes a reference on females and lactation room.

Michael gathers the males together. He asks why can't males play with dolls, why does society make them use urinals when sitting is more comfortable? Jan suggests they use the warehouse instead.

In the warehouse Michael points out the foreman is black. There is a blow-up doll with Michael's face and the black foreman and white male try not to laugh. Their expressions are hilarious.

The creepy bald smiling guy tells Jim that Pam's fiancee probably knows about his crush and to watch out. The bald guy says he will protect him and Jim gulps.

Jan's makeup is noticeable with light lavender on her lids, blush, lipstick. It looks pretty.

Jan asks about what they think they are good at. The women talk about their hobbies, give insignificant answers. Jan next asks what their dreams are - the women agree on walk-in closet, Pam wants a home with a terrace.

Michael knocks over stuff in the warehouse, uses machinery inappropriately. The men all sit around and Michael raises the question of what bothers them.

Jan tells us that the meeting was to look into potential female employees that could grow into upper positions. Pam mentions she is good at drawing and this catches Jan's attention who pushes NYC art education offered by the company. Interesting to see a boss persuade an employee to take the opportunity.

The guys agree what is annoying is when they take the girl out to eat every week but ask when will they really go on a real date. Dwight speaks up saying and the next day they expect us to pay for the drive to church. Lol. Execution was awkward because it came off as Dwight trying to fit in and he has a lack of experience with females.

Pam goes up to Jim and tells him they were just shown about their changing bodies. Jim asks actually? Pam says no and laughs.

Michael buys pizza and the group rejoin the females in the office.

Michael ends the episode off saying an office needs both genders so sexual tension can brew up keeping things interesting.
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