an incident that shocked the world
7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As something that truly did shock the world, the murder of John Lennon became so well known that elements of it even became a part of popular culture. Think "Catcher in the Rye", for instance.

The death of Lennon, in December 1980, coming so soon after the death of an equally super persona - Elvis Presley was a massive shock to the entire world. Candlelit vigils were held and there were scenes of mass mournings in countless cities around the globe.

So, this documentary whilst being mostly about that fateful night in New York City in 1980 has a lot more to it than just that day in history. The episode digs deep into Lennon's past - especially his life in the USA - and one by one ticks off all the people with possible motives. This includes people like Edgar Hoover and even the US President, Richard Nixon. Lennon had been a thorn in the side of the officials there and long been a wanted ma for his support for radical groups and his public denouncement of the war in Vietnam. He had been on an extradition list for years, for example. Seemingly, according to this documentary there would have been no shortage of people who would liked to have seen him finished.

However, as it is so well known, the person who did want him finished was a pathetic loner with no other ambition than to make a name for himself. Mark Chapman, the assassin, is profiled here and his backstory is astonishing but not in an admirable way. The night in question, which is what this episode is all about is constructed using a timeline of events and also goes to show the viewer a glimpse of how the public mourned for such a popular icon.

Personally speaking, I was an 8 year old kid at the time when this happened and remember seeing the shock and outrage that people felt. At least by watching the news on TV I did - and this episode of a really great series is more than just another entry in it. For those with an interest in significant days in 20th Century History, this is absolutely counted as being one of them.
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