Loved it
5 September 2020
Jim's humor is offbeat and weird. He speaks to himself out loud in the third person and he sometimes laughs at his own humor. But in Canada he has great timing and the audience loves him. There is no repeating of one liners, no redundant jokes, but great humor regarding Canada and the Canadians seem to love it. He speaks about the provences and the difference between Canadians and Americans. I found him funny with great timing. He is a clean comedian, hardly a swear word and he always talks about being a Catholic. I'm not but I fond his Catholic humor pretty funny since I used to be Catholic myself. I figured I'd run into a lot of disgruntled fans because of Jim's twitter rampage. These are people who USED to find him funny until he made political statements. Then, they write bad reviews. I call BS on those. Love his humor, love the ideas he and his wife come up with and I love his delivery. Id like it even if he had different political views than I did.
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