Review of Hoots Mon

Hoots Mon (1940)
Miller Struts His Stuff And Miss Desmond Kicks Him Where It Hurts
5 September 2020
Max Miller is the funnest comedian in England; it says so right on his car. He wrangles with Florence Desmond, a wee Scots lass whose act is a series of imitations, including one of Bette Davis which sounds like Katherine Hepburn. She also does Miller's act, which raises his ire, so it's off to Glasgow to make him Scotland's Funniest Comedian too.

Miller plays his fast-talking, ignorant comic and is pretty good as an old-line music hall performer. Miss Desmond sports a great accent for someone born in Islington, and it all proceeds apace. It's one of the Warner Brothers movies shot in Teddington, and somehow, the director is Roy William Neill, who spent the majority of his career directing dramas and thrillers for Universal and Columbia. He spent a few years in Britain, directing Arliss' last movie and a couple of Max Miller features, then it was back to the US, where he would direct the Rathbone-Bruce Sherlock Holmes and die in 1946, aged 59.
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