The entire movie rests on an idiotic premise.
4 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are several key flaws that suck the blood out of this so-so "comedy".

First of all, it's not funny, only slightly clever here and there. But there's very little that hasn't been done before in countless "different" vampire films.

Secondly, the reasons for the film-crew staying for so long after everything they'd witnessed is very far-fetched. Already after the "weird one" sneaked into their room they should have bolted.

Not to mention the absurd invitation to witness the sacrifice ritual. It made zero sense that the vampires would invite them to it, nor that the crew would opt to stay on filming after it.

Even after the killing of the stoners - they still stayed. Wut?

Even after they'd overheard the leaders conspiring to kill them, they still stayed.

Makes zero sense.

Thirdly, and this is the biggest logic flaw, just how stupid are the vampires to invite a major documentary crew, only to have them slaughtered. Duh. Obviously, their disappearance would be headline news which is precisely the opposite of what these "modern new vampire" campaigners wanted. The entire movie rests on this idiotic premise.

I found the early conversations with the vampires dumb, because they seemed to get so easily offended, like a bunch of over-sensitive SJWs. These vampires lived for centuries hence being offended should not be in their nature. Quite to the contrary. Just as it makes no sense for a 400-year vampire to be so dumb as to kill a major documentary film crew and not expect hefty consequences. A 400 year-old vampire should be far more savvy than the average modern human, not less.

How did the blonde get infected? When? No proper explanation given.

The film-crew actually bickering while trying to escape: totally unrealistic hence unfunny.
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