Mixed feelings
3 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well first of all I wanna say that in my opinion people do deserve a second chance with some exceptions of course. I don't know if a serial killer or a pedophile deserves a second chance f.e.

When I started watching this I felt real sympathy for this guy. He was really young when he commited the crime, he messed up with drugs, he probably didn't have any real friends and his family didn't really stand up for him. I highly doubt that his mind was clear back then and that he was aware of his actions. I remember myself when I was 21 and I am a totally different person now that I am way older. My way of thinking is totally different. So why would I doubt that a 21 year old kid has changed after 30 whole years? I think the authorities did the right thing releasing him in the first place.

However, from the end of episode 2 until the end, I cannot hide that I have second thoughts. I suddenly saw a guy in front of me that wanted to make us believe something that isn't that believable... Why would you make the victim look so bad after 30 years of silence?? It makes no sense. Even if it is true. Just keep it for yourself. You are out of prison now. Also the movements of his face when he describes what happened, the way he quickly explains it to the grandchildren of the old lady like he is reading a book, the fact that he is playing with his fingers while he is doing it. I am sorry to say it but I think that he is either lying or manipulating his new story or hiding something. Why he decided to tell this story? Don't know. Maybe because now that he is out of prison he wants people to like him and see him as the victim so that he has more chances in his new life like get a job more easily etc.

For me there are actually three scenarios of what really happened:

1. He was a drug addict and a troubled kid with no money in his pocket so he just robbed the place and killed the employee. This is what he was convicted for but there are some questions about it. Why did he choose a place where the employee knew who he was? Why did he shoot him 6 times? He wanted to kill someone he knew for 400 bucks? He wanted someone to listen to 6 gunshots and come to the rescue? Doesn't really make sense but someone could say that he just didn't know what he was doing. 2. The story he is actually telling after 30 years. The guy blackmailed him because he wanted an affair with him and he had to kill him. Then he took the 400 bucks so that it seems like a robbery. The prosecutor is right. You become a killer because someone is threatening you to tell everyone that you are a homosexual when you are actually not? Doesn't really make sense. It is not like he is blackmailing you for money. He was having a shower in the victim's house and went to bed? Weird. And why did it have to seem like a robbery in the first place? This scenario is leaking. 3. They were actually both homosexual and they were having an affair. Things didn't go well, maybe one of them tried to break up with the other. They decided to talk and sort things out, it didn't go well so the guy kills him. Then he takes the money to make it look like a robbery because he didn't want to reveal that he killed him for a sexual affair gone wrong. This justifies the cruelty of the murder. Also explains the fact he was having a shower and sleeping in the victims house. Also that friend of him back then says that he sometimes thought that he was a homosexual because he was hanging out in places with a lot of homosexuals. Actually in the end of episode 2 I thought he would admit that he is a homosexual and he was having an affair with the victim but then in episode 3 followed scenario 2.

In my opinion scenario 3 if the most solid one. I am not saying it is 100% what happened. If it is though this guy still finds it hard to face and confess the truth and that is why he makes up scenario 2. While doing this though he is again killing the victim and that shows that he is not the good christian that he says he is and as an outcome not fully rehabilitated. Same I can say if scenario 1 actually happened. Not fully rehabilitated.

In my opinion, authoritites must keep a close eye on him because his integrity for me is highly questionable after all these.

I hope the best for the old lady and her relatives.
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