Two very different softcore comedies; the 2nd segment is worth seeing
3 September 2020
There are two different films, as two independent segments, in this softcore comedy. While both share common traits such as lot of sex, eroticism and nudity, numerous famous actors, and campy dark humour, they diverge a lot in quality and story. The former, named "Hot Saturday", directed Ivan Cardoso (who becomes famous/infamous for his B horror comedies afterwards), has a much shallower plot, in which everything is excuse to depict nude people and almost explicit sex. You can see some mock on sexism, but is is deep under a lot of exploitation. Average quality of acting is quite worse too. I give this segment a 5, although I consider its end nice and funny. The second segment "April 1st", directed by John Herbert, also has a lot of sex and naked bodies, but it lays in a much higher level and I give it a 7.5. The name refers to the date in which the story takes place and it is when Brazil suffered a military coup that started a 21-year cruel dictatorship. Then, the story is much smarter and more political than in the prior segment. Here, as the dictatorship hated intelectuals and academics (thinking was dangerous for the regime...), a professor of sociology had to hide hinself. His nephew had a 18 years old birthday that very day and his daughter was his guest. The father of that professor's daughter-in-law was a perverted reactionary authoritarian retired military who celebrated the coup and saw imaginary communists everywhere as many far right-wing lunatics do. The girl schemed a revenge against that vicious moron. The birthday guy would have by many reasons an unforgettable day. The story is not only funny but also clever. Even the many sex scenes are not rough as in the former segment, but surprisingly sensual.
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