Highlander: Deadly Medicine (1992)
Season 1, Episode 8
Duncan Macloud vs a modern day Dr Frankenstein
30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
1. After being hit by a car Duncan is taken to an emergency room, but in short order he escapes in very good condition. This worries nurse Barbara but only causes emergency room Dr Wilder to become suspicious. Duncan should have made his way back to the antique store immediately, but he delays , giving Dr Wilder the opportunity to inject Duncan in the neck with some drug which knocks our immortal unconscious. The doctor takes Duncan to his basement laboratory where he intends to do illegal experimentation on him. The doctor has kidnapped several other patients in the past for this same purpose, but with Duncan the Doctor has struck gold. Luckily even in his drugged state, Duncan manages to escape but, wanders in a stupor for many hours, even into the next day. 2. This is where I have a problem with this episode. An immortal can recover 100% from machine gun fire within 10 minutes, 20 minutes tops right? Yet Duncan is kept subdued by a drug into the next day. He even is forced to cover himself with some refuse in order to stay out of sight while he sleeps it off (surely a low point in this Highlander's long life). 3. The most terrible part of this episode is when this weasel of a doctor decides to kill his lovely medical colleague, nurse Barbara to keep her quiet about his illegal activities. 4. The second most terrible part of this episode is when Dr Weasel makes a prisoner of lovely reporter Randi MacFarland when her investigation of the doctor threatens to expose him. Fortunately Duncan rescues her and she is aware of this but she never gets to thank him. Here again is where I had hopes that this reporter McFarland would have become a semi-regular character in the TV series (lasting beyond six episodes), possibly even becoming a trusted friend of Duncan. Unfortunately this never happened. 5. The fourth most terrible part of this episode is of course, where we see doctor weasel driving around in Duncan's awesome black 1964 Ford Thunderbird.
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