The One and Only Ivan (2020) - 6.7
29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 6.3

Act 2 - 6.6

Act 3 - 7.3

Good voice acting all around

Cranston was good in the role of Mack and the young girl was good too

Generic way of telling this story but works and has its sweet moments

Can be corny at times but the sweet message of caring and animal freedom come out on top

Hard not to like a movie about animals especially when it's about bettering their lives and giving them their freedom

Solid family film that hopefully young kids can take a lesson from

Circus in a small small

Circus is in trouble as not enough people come anymore, need more money

Mack the owner of the circus seems to really care for his animals, all still stuck in captivity though

Audience can hear the animals and they talk to one another

Ivan human friend Julia recognizes his drawing, names the dog Bob

They get a new baby elephant added to their circus, named Ruby

Ruby is the new headliner and Ivan is a bit jealous and feels like he let his friends down by not saving the show himself

Ruby helps drive a bigger crowd

Stella talks of the wild and how you can be free there, sense of longing

Ivan and Ruby become friends

Mack raised Ivan before he even had a show

See how Mack and Ivan's bond was formed and how Mack's wife left him

Stella is dying and wants Ruby to be free and Ivan promises to help her become free

Mack is pushing Ruby too hard in fear of the circus closing down

Ivan wants to take Ruby to the forest

Mack learns Ivan can draw and that's he's new play for publicity

Ivan refuses to draw on stage and is focused of freeing Ruby

Ivan breaks all the animals out one night and takes them across the street into the woods and realizes it just leads to more human filled areas, tiny area in the woods

Mack leads them back to the circus as Ivan realizes they were stuck out there

Ivan remembers life in the wild and loved to draw with mud

Ivan has a whole family and was happy there

Learn Ivan's dad was shot and killed and was taken by people

Ivan uses finger paints to paint a scene of the wild in front of a large audience, hope they revive his message of freedom

Julia tells her dad they have to help Ivan be free, Julia talks to the reporter

News spread and everyone gathers and demands Ivan's plea be heard and be freed

Mack shuts down the circus and the animals are all leaving

Heartfelt goodbye between Ruby and Ivan, same with Bob

Mack and Ivan say their goodbyes, they both cared for each other

Ivan released into some sort of sanctuary, Ruby is there too

Kept his promos to Stella, happy ending

See some real photos of Ivan and some of the true story

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