How dare they..?
23 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So this is a bad show... I would've given this a 4/10 if they HADN'T MESSED UP ON ONE IMPORTANT THING... The fact that they mentioned the father of Pac-Man in a show where there is GROSS OUT HUMOR; Masaya Nakamura. Also they were LYING. Nakamura is NOT the father of Pac-Man. He is the founder of Namco. Toru Iwatani is the ACTUAL father of Pac-Man. How could they mess something important up THAT MUCH? I can KINDA understand it for the first episode, since it's probably a Pilot, but each episode mentions Nakamura every time! Not that it matters anyway, as each episode has some stereotypes, like the bully, the teenage hero, and a few more of them. And then like I said, there is gross out humor. Remember when a character farts in a BAD show and it would be invisible or GREEN!? What if I told you colorful versions of those and burps (in some moments) are EVEN WORSE? Just. I know it sounds like I'm nitpicking about the creators, but you will be insulted by it if you care so deeply about the yellow round orb, and they try to insult Iwatani's creation by doing generic or sometimes gross stuff in episodes. The show is boring as well. 22 minutes was probably not the best idea also considering how rushed episodes are, making it long. And the 2 part episodes are pretty much the opposite. They drag on for FAR TOO LONG. I'm honestly shocked that the best episode is the last episode (even though there are ZERO user reviews of it, but I forgot that you can rate without review so moving on.) OH YEAH. And just to SLAP us in the face, they cancelled the series AT THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME!!! SPOILER ALERT: it ends with Pac's 'girlfriend' whispering to him where his parents are and he's excited. AND THAT'S IT!!! Just when some or few people watching are probably WONDERING where or what will happen to Pac's parents, WILL NEVER KNOW!!! I have no words. I don't care about talking about the episodes. Don't let children watch this unless THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY sure that they won't have a bad sense of humor or bad taste in cartoons, and will ONLY watch just to see what could possibly go wrong with the show. Side note: I played the 3DS game before the show. And it was better than the show. It gets DUMBLY hard at the final stage, by the way. And hard to 100%. If people like me enjoy this game MORE than the show or console games OR EVEN THE SEQUEL of these games, then you have SUCCESSFULLY failed. It's KINDA SATISFYING to eat ghosts rather than watching Pac-Man doing so in this show. So that is my review(?) of PMatGA. I'm sorry if this review was confusing. But it seriously has to be seen to believe or even looking at the cover/title.
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