Steel Rain 2 (2020)
Steel Rain 2 - Who let the dogs out
23 August 2020
I'm a huge fan of South Korean cinema and can appreciate cultural differences but Steel Rain 2: Summit is just garbage, complete and utter garbage. A harebrained geopolitical scheme with stereotypical characters and below average acting. But what really ruins this movie is the portrayal of the American president. I have no problem with Trump being mocked, I can understand the sentiment, but the US president in Steel Rain 2 is a pitiful, uninspired Trump caricature that adds nothing to the story arc, it has no comedic relief function, it's just burlesque, in the middle of a movie otherwise trying to be a serious political thriller, everyone else is trying to infuse gravitas in their lines, with varying success. It's like if Thirteen Days had Jerry Lewis scenes sprinkled on it, unwatchable. Let's just hope Deliver Us From Evil lives up to the hype, Steel Rain 2: The Summit is as bad as they come and when you're about half way in even the title assumes a different, lowbrow comedy connotation.
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