Picnic at Hanging Rock Tasmanian style
19 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
God, this film was boring. The first half centres around the main character, Kurt, banging on about a not very believable and pretty uninteresting ancestor that he wanted to make a film about, and trying to persuade a certain actress that he was fixated on to play the female star in his move. There did not seem to be any good reason why Kurt needed this actress, competent though she is, and it did not add anything except irritation. The alternative actress they met on a beach would have done just as well. Kurt's backstory and ancestor could have been adequately fleshed out in 10 minutes, and that, combined with using the beach actress, would have saved 45 minutes of watching a self-absorbed bore do....very little. Note to directors; self-absorbed and selfish characters are never likable and never even remotely interesting

Second half, movie organised and actress in place, is the Tasmanian journey to the place where Kurt's ancestor did something unspeakable (left a journal for Kurt to read, IMHO). Que lots of arguing whilst hacking through jungle, past waterfalls and around cliff edge paths. Due to fear of heights, when his mate found it difficult to shuffle along the cliff-edge path clutching his large rucksack, did anyone else yell at Kurt " Take his rucksack from him you selfish git!"? When they reached the place Kurt wanted to film, the remainder of the film was discussions on character motivations, but mainly hand held cameras rushing around at night, everyone split up, chasing or trying to find each other, just like the Blair Witch Project. It was just dire. The ending was dire though the church location was interesting, if not a prop. In 25 years this type of found footage has not advanced one step since BWP, the very first. Also annoying was Kurt selfishness and unwillingness to go back, despite everybody's pleas, and they all just followed him to their doom. Their weakness and obedience became really irritating quite soon.

Do yourself a favour and move on if you see this film in Amazon Prime or whatever.
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