Great movie If you can submerse yourself in it.
19 August 2020
As far as being a proper story, it lacks in a few departments but things rarely are perfect. Seems forced at times, rushed, dialogue becomes less complimentary to the image it's trying to project at times.

However, I loved just about all the acting performances, and the reality... perhaps it was because I was expecting something a bit different with a more cliche atmosphere but the seriousness hit me really hard. I'm sure the events in this movie have happened and do happen. I didn't feel like it was theatrically presented to me like a fictional tale I could later write a review, on no big whoop. I felt like I was there at the crime scene looking at the aftermath of something real and not in a tacky gore-fest way either. This submerged me deeper into the main character's conflict from then on and by the end I found myself asking "what I would do" over and over. That, for me, made up for all the it was lacking. It won't be for all, but it will be a powerful watch for certain ones out there.
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